Retirement Planning 

For Successful Families

Free Retirement Insight Assessment

Jesse Lunin-Pack

Helping successful people retire to the life of their dreams since 2006

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Successful families want to know:

How do I maximize my retirement income?

Changing your focus from earning and saving to spending can be scary. Utilizing a Risk Based Guardrails methodology, we help clients maximize their lifestyle spending while maintaining comfort for the future.

How do I reduce the taxes I am likely to pay on my IRA & 401(k) assets?

Depending on your state of residence and spending requirments, you may lose up to 40% or more of your retirement account value to taxes. Minimizing that tax impact is critical to maximizing your lifestyle.

How do I optimize my investments to support my lifestyle expenses during volitile markets?

Many people fear taking on too much investment risk, but keeping all of your money in low-earning, low-risk investments can negatively impact you lifestyle. What's the appropriate mix?

Retirement Insight Assessment

Learn more about our free three-step process to help you gain retirement clarity and insight.

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Financial Planning and Investment Advice are offered through Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training.  The publication of Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC’s web site on the internet should not be construed by any consumer or prospective client as Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC’s solicitation or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice. 
A copy of Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC’s current written disclosure statement as set forth on Form ADV, discussing Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC’s business operations, services, and fees is available from Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC upon written request. Lunin-Pack Planning and Advice, LLC does not make any representations as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability or completeness of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to or incorporated herein.  All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.
We are neither your attorneys nor your accountants and no portion of this material should be interpreted by you as legal, accounting or tax advice.  We recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney and accountant.
Shook / Forbes Best-in-State Financial Security Professional awarded in 2022 based on data compiled by Shook Research LLC based on the time period 12/31/20-12/31/21. Jesse was registered with a prior firm at the time.